Tag Archive for: sound card

Windows DJ Software Tips | Using WASAPI As An Alternative To Direct Sound Or ASIO Drivers
If you use DJ Software with Windows and don't require pre-fade listening (headphone cuing) and simply use your built-in audio output device (sound card) you should try using the Microsoft WASAPI driver option as an alternative to Direct Sound.

Pro Audio Interfaces For DJ Software Available Today
A Pro Audio Interface for DJ software, often referred to as a 'sound card', provides a minimum of 2 stereo channel outputs and low-latency control.
Less than a decade ago pro audio interfaces were much more prevalent for use with DJ mixing…

Sound Card for DJ Software, What Are They and Do I Need One?
Since our product specialists here at a PCDJ receive this question often from first-time callers, I figured it was worthy of its own blog post...
What is a Sound Card (or otherwise known as Audio Card)?
First off, your computer already…

Digital DJ Equipment: The Basics You Should Know
Manning the phones at PCDJ headquarters over the course of the last 14 years has taught me a couple key items:
One, in this technology forward DJ software and DJ controller industry things change quickly over a short time span;…