Tag Archive for: optimize for video mixing

DEX 3 VDJ software Working With Dedicated Graphics Cards

Making Sure DEX 3 Video Mixing Software Uses Your Discrete (Dedicated) Graphics Card On Windows

DEX 3 VDJ software makes mixing music videos just like audio effortless. However, mixing music videos is significantly more taxing on a computers resources, especially the graphics card. Unless you're mixing standard definition videos, and not…

Video Mixing Tip: Ensure DEX 3 Uses Your High-Performance Video Card

UPDATE: More in-depth and up-to-date article on this subject is available HERE Our DEX 3 mixing software mixes all types of DJ media, including music videos.  If you plan to start incorporating video mixing into your DJ sets, we highly recommend purchasing a…

Optimize Your DJ Computer for Video Mixing

With the recent release of DJ/VJ software PCDJ DEX 3, and the improved video mixing capabilities, we figured an update to our "optimizing your computer for DJ software" was in order. As many DJs have already found out, adding music video…