Tag Archive for: karaoke software for mac

LYRX Karaoke Software For MAC 1.02

Karaoke Software For MAC | LYRX 1.02 Is Now Available

LYRX Karaoke Software For MAC Has Just Been Updated To Version 1.02. A new update for LYRX has just been posted for download. Existing LYRX users can download and install the free trial from the website HERE - which will overwrite and…

What Makes LYRX Karaoke Software For MAC Unique

Digital 1 Audio (PCDJ) has a credible and experienced perspective on the karaoke software space and professional requirements, having created our very first karaoke software platform in 2002 (KJ VRM). LYRX karaoke software for MAC ($39.95)…

Basic Karaoke Software For MAC | Beta Testers Needed!

Our professional karaoke software Karaoki will make the move to the MAC platform later this year - it's the most popular karaoke software globally, and MAC support will make a lot of KJs using Karaoki very happy. Today we announce a…