Tag Archive for: Batch Rename Karaoke

karaoke file name fixer filtering

Karaoke File Name Fixer Pro Tip | Filtering

In order to take full advantage of large-scale replacements and tag defining, you need to first filter your file list in KFNF (Karaoke File Name Fixer) so it shows only the files whose filenames are structured the same in some specific way. Karaoke…
Karaoke File Name Fixer Batch Rename Karaoke Files

Introducing Karaoke File Name Fixer | Batch Rename Karaoke Files

Announcing Karaoke File Name Fixer, a $19.99 Windows karaoke software utility designed to batch rename karaoke files so they can easily be conformed to one naming convention. As it's been said, necessity is the mother of invention. We…

Tag Archive for: Batch Rename Karaoke

Fix Karaoke File Names With Karaoke File Name Fixer