Karaoki Software Downloads:
Activation Instructions:
Upon opening the software you will be presented with a splash screen with options to enter in your license details or run the free trial. If you do not see this spash screen then you have reinstalled on a machine that already has been activated and no further action is required.
To activate click on “Enter License details”. Please copy your license code from the original purchase email you received when you purchased and select “paste” on the activation screen. YOU MUST DELETE ANY DASHES. Also enter in your first and last name and email address in the proper fields.
If you are going to type the code in manually (you don’t have an original purchase email or you have a hard copy) please make sure that you enter in the code with your CAPS LOCK ON on and omit the dashes (if present). Additionally our codes do not contain O’s. Only zeros.
If you lost your Activation code Please Contact Support here and submit a ticket requesting a code look up.
Please do not call Technical Support for an activation code as we do not give out licensing information over the phone. This is for the protection of the original license holder.
Installation Issues
If you receive a “powerplaycdg.ocx failed to register” or “cdgsource.ax failed to register”, the solution is to download and install this Patch. Then restart your computer and try Karaoki again.
If the patch fails to correct the issue please go to the control panel’s “uninstall programs” section and uninstall the “Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime 2005” and then reinstall Karaoki. (The program installs this component but if an older version exists, it skips the step but may fail to register the ActiveX components. Uninstalling a previous version of the C++ 2005 runtimes will enable the program to install its own updated version and corrects the problem of ActiveX registration.)
Codec Pack
Video playback of AVI, MP4 and other file formats are not officially supported but are possible as long as the proper codec pack is installed. We recommend the Combined Community Codec Pack (click yellow button to download)
Realted Downloads and Manuals
Karaoke Cloud Pro Support
Remote Request Terminal
Download Remote Terminal Software for KaraokI
This add on will allow users to log in requests using remote terminals. This free add on is not supported by PCDJ due to the complex nature of networking and is only recommended for skilled users. For more information and a discussion please see this thread on the PCDJ Message board.
Tutorial Videos
Skipping, Stuttering, Audio Drop Outs and other Performance Issues in Stand Alone Mode
Try increasing the Audio Buffer Size in options->configuration->stand alone audio section.
Also try decreasing the amount of files that you have per case in Karaoki. Less than 10,000 files per case is recommended.Click Here for more information.
Please see this page for more information on preparing your machine for pro audio use: System Optimization For PCDJ Software
Version History
Public Beta Build 0.9.8734 (March 6th, 2023)
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Public Beta Build 0.9.8606 (August 8th, 2023)
- Fix for Select-A-Track store for European-based customers
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Build #0.8.5633.21813 July 9th 2015
Bug Fixes:
• Karaoki’s icon was disappearing from the taskbar on some versions of windows.
• Karaoki not displaying mp3+g graphics when playing tracks that contained Danish characters in the file name.
• When right clicking on a singers name on the singer list on the ‘Singer Data’ screen there is now an option to ban/un-ban the singer. When banned the singer is automatically removed from rotation and cannot be put back in until un-banned. The banned singers are listed in the ‘Banned Singers’ list on the Remote Connections screen, and singers can also be un-banned there. The Ban/Un-ban options are only displayed when remote connections are enabled.
• When using “User CD+G” entry in the rotation, clicking on the “Load Next Singer” button now fades BGM.
• Graphics tweaks to main screen
• When deleting a singer during a show the user is prompted to save the singers data.
Build #0.8.5471.31303 Dec 29th 2014
Fixed: Memory leak in Build #0.8.5452.25389 when using KCP.
Fixed: Possible exception when re-ordering singer list.
Change: Downloaded KCP tracks can now be played on any computer that is listed on the ‘Registered Computer’ list.
Build #0.8.5452.25389 Dec 5th 2014
Fixed: ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ files being added to all cases.
Fixed: Exception when ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ files requested by remote user but not logged into KCP.
Added: ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ files ‘playcount’ logged to DB on server.
Build #0.8.5443.28632 Nov 26th 2014
Fixed: ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ case not refreshing after case reload.
Fixed: ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ asking some users to register computer when already registered.
Fixed: ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ files not downloading when requested from SongbookDB.
Fixed: ‘Karaoki now responds correctly to and messages.
Change: Increased the time after Karaoki starts before SongbookDB plugin is started.
Build #0.8.5437.25243 Nov 20th 2014
Fixed: Requests from ‘SongbookDB’ not being added to Rotation in ‘List’ mode.
Fixed: ‘BGM’ Case’s not loading
Fixed: ‘Karaoke Cloud’ Case not rebuilding
Fixed: S-A-T and Karaoke Locker stores not rebuilding cases.
Fixed: ‘Auto Karaoki’ not engaging.
Change: New method for detecting internet connection as existing method could be problematic for some users.
Change: ‘SongBookDB’ plugin communication changed from Ascii to Unicode.
Build #0.8.5427.35634 Nov 11th 2014
Fixed: bug in “Remove song from rotation”
Fixed: Multiplex is not compatible with Mono mode or Mono files, Added check for mono files/mono mode and a message box informing the user.
Added: menu added to SongbookDB button on the ‘Remote Connections’ popup screen, Options on menu are ‘Signup for songbookDB’, ‘Start SongbookDB plugin’, ‘AutoStart SongboogDB plugin’ and ‘Bring to Front’.
Added: Remote clients can now cancel ‘Request Alerts’
Change: Changes made to interface code when using SongbookDB.
Change: when state changed the ‘Auto accept’ checkbox now informs plugins of its state.
Build #0.8.5422.34905 Nov 5th 2014
Fixed: ‘Key’ column on rotation list not updating when receiving incoming remote requests.
Added: ‘Remove Track Form Rotation’ option to the singer list right click menu.
Added: “Auto Set Singer ‘In Rotation”‘ has been added to the ‘Remote Connections’ Options button menu, When set if the singer making a request is NOT in rotation they will be placed back into rotation.
Added: ‘SongbookDB’ button that takes the user to ‘SongbookDB’s signup web page.
Change: small graphics tweaks.
Build #0.8.5419.37065 Nov 2nd 2014
Added: SongbookDB plugin integration and ‘Remote Connections’ screen added.
Added: ‘/lockcases’ command line switch and ‘Ctrl+Shift+W’ Key Combo that hides the ‘Min’, ‘Max’, ‘Exit’, ‘Options’, ‘Add Case’ and ‘Add Songs’ buttons.
Change: Remote Terminal interface enhanced and moved to ‘Remote Connections’ screen.
Change: New Licencing System.
Change: A Few skin changes.
Fixed: Karaoki not reading some ID3 tags correctly.
Fixed: Karaoki not displaying ‘&’ on singer screen and preview display and ticker.
Fixed: Karaoki cutting ticker message short if it contains a carrage return, the Ticker is now limited to 250 characters.
Fixed: Preview player not working on Win 8 onwards.
Build # 0.8.5155 Feb 11, 2014
Note 1: 0.8.xxxx.xxxx builds are ‘Stand Alone’ only.
Note 2: The Rotation and Singer Data code has been completely re- written, the Singer Data screen now also acts as the rotation manager for each individual singer.
Note 3: New CDG Engine
Changes since Build #0.7.4777.14963 Jan 29th 2013
Fixed: Exception when time passes through midnight.
Fixed: ‘Remove Missing Songs function not always displaying correctly.
Fixed: In ‘Solo Artist’ mode if a track was dropped directly in the player the top track in the singer rotation list would delete at 20 seconds.
Fixed: SAT showing in menu when not in UK.
Fixed: Preview player “Sorry, Preview not available” message due to server timeout set to low. Preview Player version now build #
Added: ‘QTY’ field to ‘Singer Data’ screen, this displays the number of tracks a singer has in there song queue.
Added: Column “Qty” to singer rotation list that displays the number of tracks a singer has in there song queue.
Added: Placing the mouse pointer over ‘Qty’ column will display the total number of tracks for all singers.
Added: Placing the mouse pointer over a singers name on the ‘singer rotation list’ will display the number of tracks the singer has sung and other information.
Added: On the ‘singer rotation list’; If a track is dropped directly on a singers name the singer will be automatically selected on the ‘Add or Select Singer’ screen.
Added: ‘Fade To Stop’ function to default skin.
Added: ‘/Screen2’ command line switch, this will start Karaoki with screen 2 open.
Added: New CDG options, i.e. Jitter reduction (for users with low spec machines), CDG lyrics over scrolling bitmap background.
Added: ‘Lock/Unlock’ and ‘reset defaults’buttons to search options, seardk is now locked by default.
Added: Export Case As TSV option to the case list, To Use: select the case you want to export and then right click on the cases tree and select the option.
Added: Option to Rotation Options screen to enable/disable the rotation list column header click sorting.
Added: Move to top, Move up one,Move down one and ‘Move to Bottom’ options to rotation list right click menu.
Added: Case item (Tracks) total to the Active Case info bar.
Change: Rotation options screen now drag-able.
Change: ‘Singer Data’ screen now displays ‘KCP’ media tags in blue, All other data is white.
Change: Karaoke preview window auto resizes (as per pre 0.8 builds.) to fill available space on the screen.
Change: Change: The ‘History’ screen (H) just displays tracks that have been sung, the review section has been removed as its functionality is now incorporated into the Singer Data screen.
Change: Changes to security code.
Change: When shown in a window, ‘screen2’ now has a control box with ‘Max’ and ‘Close’ buttons
Change: S-A-T Preview Player now runs as an external application, however the user experience is unchanged.
Change: S-A-T Preview URL Changed.
Change: When first installed Karaoki now defaults to fixed rotation mode.
Build # 0.7.4777 March 8, 2013
Download PCDJ KARAOKI 0.7.4777
Maintenance Release – KCP Performance Tweaks
Build # 0.7.4764 Jan 16, 2013
Fixed: possible time out issue when downloading files from Karaoke Cloud Pro
Build # 0.7.4695 Nov 8, 2012
Fixed: Karaoki displaying Purchase/Preview track when not in the ‘S-A-T’ or ‘Karaoke Locker case(s), clicking Purchase or Preview caused exception.
Build # 0.7.4680 Oct 24, 2012
Fixed: Exception when using the ‘Auto Karaoke’ option with ‘Fixed’ rotation.
Added: Prompt to rebuild ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ Case after changing download save folder.
Added: code to check that only one instance of a track is in the ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ streaming list at a time.
Added: Option to clear ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ streaming queue, this is only displayed when there are tracks in the queue.
Added: Prompt to “Resume previous ‘Karaoke Cloud Pro’ Track retrieval session?”
Added: option (on ‘Rotation Options’ Page) to hide song name on ‘Screen2’
Build # 0.7.4661 Oct 9, 2012
Added;Karaoki Cloud Pro integration (LEARN MORE)
Added; New Case ‘Tree’ Grouping
Added; True Rotation and Solo-Singer Modes
Added; Automatic Capitalization of the Singers name
Added; Support for CD+G disk playback when using the ‘Karaoke for DirectX’ codec (32bit windows only)
Added; The ability to change the singers list color on screen 2
Changed; Faster Case scanning
Changed; New de-multiplexer with singer coach control.
Added; The column positions are saved on exit on the main screen
Added; BGM now has ‘Pause and load next track’ option
Build # 0.6.4604 Aug 9, 2012
Added; Trap for ‘#’ in user track purchase data.
Changed; URL for Karaoke Locker purchases
Build # 0.6.4435 Feb 22nd, 2012
Updated; Security system.
Fixed; possible error during case refresh.
Fixed; added error trap for exception (16245)
Fixed; BGM playing track twice when track ‘Dropped’ into BGM Player
Fixed; Added error trap for Macromedia flash object.
Added; ‘Utilities’ menu item to Options menu
Added; ‘Backup & Restore’ functions to ‘Utilities’ menu
Added; BGM ‘Search Saved Cases’ option to search options screen (Stand Alone mode only).
Added; ‘Duo / Solo Artist’ mode to ‘rotation options’ screen, when using this mode the singer column on the rotation list is disabled and the ‘singer name’ dialogs are disabled.
Added; ‘Locked’ Mode – this mode starts Karaoki with the Min, Max, Exit and options buttons hidden, to start Karaoki in this mode use the ‘/lock’ command line switch.
Added; ‘Ctrl + Shift + Q’ to exit.
Added; ‘Ctrl + Shift + O’ to hide Min, Max, Exit and options buttons.
Added; ‘Ctrl + Shift + P’ to restore Min, Max, Exit and options buttons.
Change; default skin & New logo
Change; moved ‘Check for updates’ on to ‘Utilities’ menu
Build # 0.6.4342 Nov 22nd, 2011
*Fixed: Purchase problems with Karaoke locker and Select-A-Track Stores
Build # 0.6.4311 Nov 1st, 2011
Fixed; Some users reported that GUI would freeze when mouse button held down
on the Search, Case, Singer and BGM lists.
Added; ‘Automatic’ installer after update download.
Change; ‘Check for updates’ screen now also shows current full release build
when using Beta builds.
Added; Purchases’ case now displays Genre
Fixed; cosmetic bug when using windows @ 120 dpi, the buttons on the console
were not visible until the screen was resized.
Added; Purchase Download Queue Manager
Added; ‘Verbose’ logging option to Console, when active logging done to
Console and log file.
Added; Console now resizable.
Added; ‘multi-select’ tracks on singer history screen.
Added; ‘Exit’, ‘Max’ and ‘Min’ buttons now dynamically resize with main
Added; ‘Ctrl+V’ paste into search text box, this works from anywhere on the
main screen.
Added; On song purchase screen, If country is US the County/State text box
is replaces by state dropdown list.
Change; On song purchase screen, when saving user data the user is now asked
if the card details are to be saved.
Change; Disable drop in ‘Select-a-Track’ and ‘Karaoke Locker’ cases.
Change; ?S-A-T? and ?Karaoke Locker? price now stored locally and updated
from server whenever possible.
Change; Splash Screen no longer has a transparent background and also now
displays the build number.
Build # 0.6.4255 Aug 15th, 2011
Direct Access to Select-A-Track Karaoke Library Store
Added “Drunk Lock” Feature
Minor Bug Fixes and PerformanceEnhancements
Build # 0.6.4171 June 3 2011
Update; upgraded Audio/Video Engine
Fixed; Sound card front/rear etc. speaker assignment not working
Fixed; ‘Track already loaded’ message now removed when ‘Disable warning message’ option set.
Added; ‘Lower Search Priority’ option to configuration screen, when set this option lowers the search thread priority to prevent screen freeze on some systems.
Added; Option to rescan tracks ‘Naming Convention/ID3 tags’ using ‘Selected Only’ option.
Added; delete selected tracks from case using either the menu option or the ‘Del’ key
Added; Scroll up/down Track lists using up/down keys, Enter will load selected track
Added; ‘Write ID3’ tag button on ‘Edit Track’ form, writes ID3V1 tag after editing db Data.
Change; Security update and ‘used all licenses message’ updated.
Change; Singer screen and preview screen text formatting in preparation for new features.
Build # 0.6.4099 Mar 24 2011
Integrated Karaokelocker.com into GUI
Various Bug Fixes
Build # 0.6.4071 Mar 4 2011
Integrated New Activation Security
Support for RED Mobile 2.0
Fixed BGM Bug
Added New Skin
Build # 0.6.4031 January 19 2011
New security to fix possible reactivation with uniloc
New Integrated Karaoke Locker.com store
Improved Search
Improved Fill-Music Player (BGM)
Multi file drop (From Explorer) in main case and rotation lists.
“Mark Track In Player As Bad” Function added.
Adjustable “End Silence Detection Time”
More naming conventions supported
More ‘Control-Key’ keyboard shortcuts/Foot Pedal functions addedBuild # 0.6.3819 June 03 2010
Improved; case loading and searching for large cases.
Added; Search Cancel, to cancel search click on the search box when searching.
Added; Video playback Support (stand-alone mode only)
Added; DiskID columns in case and search lists.
Added; Search by DiskID.
Added; Upgraded Audio Engine (stand-alone mode only)
Added; Auto Play (Auto Karaoke)
Added; ‘New Show’ option on rotation menu, this clears the rotation, history and singer lists but not singer database.
Added; Instant songs sung review, clicking on the player song shows a list of all songs that have been loaded into the player for the current session.
Added; ‘Times Up’ counter to the singer Db.
Added; code to give Karaoke Graphics greater priority when case loading or searching.
Added; Option the play Video in its original Aspect Ratio.
Added; user audio buffer adjustment in ‘Stand-Alone’ mode.
Added; Scan File options now has a “Select all” button in the video box.
Added; Dpi Awareness, Karaoki now detects screen Dpi and auto-scales screens and fonts.
Added; New naming convention for chartbuster CDG disks.
Change; BGM, when highlighting a track it is played next, previous versions played next track in the case.
Change; “View Tag” list option no longer shows with Video files as video files do not use ID3 Tags.
Changed; Small Skin Changes.
Changed; Column configuration data now stored in XML file.
Fixed; several Small bugs when using large single case.
Fixed; unable to remove singer from singer database.
Fixed; Invalid Zip message when using SFX zip files
Fixed; “Conversion from string “x/x/2010 12:00:00:AM” ‘Date’ is not valid” crash.
This should also fix “Invalid Singer Data” error.
Fixed; added trap for values > 100% in progress bars
Fixed; removed old code that causes Karaoke Graphics to stutter on some machines when code loaded.
Fixed; Small bug in edit file screen naming convention
Fixed; Crash when searching BGM
Fixed; Video files now displayed in file browser (Explorer) on ‘Add Track’ and ‘Edit Track’ screens, ‘Link File’ button now displayed “Show in Explorer”.
Additional Release Notes for Build # 0.6.3796
1) Karaoki now can play video in the karaoke deck, however Karaoki doesn’t install any video codecs,
if video playback is required you MUST install the video codecs yourself.
We have had good results using the free ffdshow codecs, but they can be time consuming setting them up correctly
and if using win7 you will also need the Win7DSFilterTweeaker_3.2.exe program to disable win7s default codecs as
these do not work well with Karaoki.
If the codecs are not installed correctly or missing Karaoki WILL crash when you try to play a video format that
has not got a correctly functioning codec.
The installation of codecs is outside the scope of this document, information must be obtained from the codec vendor.
2) Improved case loading and search speed.
Case file format has now changed to enable faster searching,
Karaoki will automatically import old style cases, however cases must be opened once before they can be searched.
Searches should be approx. 20 times quicker.
3) SFX ZIP now supported.
4) DiskID column added to cases.s.
Build # 0.5.3674 Feb 01 2010
*Fixed; Not reading some ID3v1.1 tags.
*Added; ID3 tag viewer to all song lists. Either double click or menu item.
* Fixed; Singer Database Screen – Clicking anywhere in the song list box enables the button with or without tracks visible.
*Fixed; Singer Database Screen – If no song selected and you press either Key button when no track was selected the Program would show an error and then close.
*Fixed; Singer Database Screen – Add a new singer to the list, and it doesnít appear to be selectable from the list when you drag a song into the singer rotation list.
*Fixed; Singer Database Screen – not always unlocking singer drop-down list.
*Fixed; Drag ‘n’ Drop from the main case into karaoke player was displaying incorrect song data in title bar.
*Added; Singer Database screen – Songs may now be dragged from the main screen Songlist, Searchlist or Singer Rotation onto a singerís songlist on the singer database.
*Added; Menu option to remove dead links.
*Added; Genre search can now be enabled/disabled using the option on the config menu.
*Added; support for “Stereo tools” VST to enable playback of multiplexed CDG disks in “Stand-Alone” Mode.
*Changed; Backspace now removes last character in search field, earlier builds cleared search, Del now clears the search.
*Changed; Search moved from main program to a background thread, Reason for change:- faster searches.
*Changed; Case loading moved from main program to a background thread, Reason for change:- faster case loading.
*Changed; Case “search for missing files” moved to separate background thread, this now happens after case loading thread has completed. Reason for change:- faster case loading.
*Changed; Config buttons now show Blue when option set.
*Changed; Default menu color is now Orange as blue is hard to read on some screens.
*Fixed; Key not being reset on loading track if new tracks key is ‘0.00’
*Function Change; When first installed, Now deck is 2 set as default (Was Deck 3) to aid Red Mobile users when in Plug-in mode.
*Added; Singer info database, accessed either by the button on main screen or by clicking on the singers name on the rotation, history or history review lists.
*Added; ‘In case’ columns to Rotation
*Function Change; Text size and config screen now accessed via menus on config button
*Fixed; Zip files will not open if .Zip Extension in uppercase
*Fixed; Zip only able to open file once if the zip contents attributes are set to read-only.
*Fixed; BGM Crash if shuffle clicked when BGM case empty.
*Added; Search Filename option, added extra column to main and search lists to show results, also added ‘Show/Hide’ options for the new columns.
*Added; configurable Auto Cue when in “Stand-Alone” Mode.
*Added; BGM now can support more than one case, use ‘Save Background Music Case as…’ and ‘Load Background Music Case’ options in the BGM Menu.
*Added; Ctrl-Key commands.
*Fixed; KJ’s Monitor Ticker running off RH side of screen when using Vista or Win 7.
*Added; BGM case remembers track order after shuffle.
*Added; BGM and Karaoke Cases now have Drag ‘n’ Drop track re-ordering.
*Fixed; Autofade not working correctly when in plug-in mode.
*Fixed; Possible coms buffer overflow when in plug-in mode.
*Fixed; Adding tracks to Karaoki without creating a case would cause Unhandled exception, User now prompted to create case after adding tracks if no case available.
*Fixed; Case loading progress bar showing when case empty.
*Fixed; some text on the config screen was displayed black when using Vista or Win7. Improved; Background Music player now re-scales when the main form is re-sized.
*Fixed; PCDJ Logo would turn red when mouse over and blue when clicked.
*Function Change; Load button now loads the current selected song when right clicked or shows the file browser when left clicked.
*Improved; Drag ‘n’ Drop anywhere on the Karaoke player to load track, On older version you had to drop on the play button.
*Improved; BGM Player silence detector now also detects the start and end silence on karaoke tracks and fades accordingly.
[dotted_divider]Build # 0.5.3587 Oct 27 2009
*Fixed; unzipped file not being deleated after tag being read.
*Function Change: Cue button now stops the player if no cue point is set.
*Fixed; Restore Size after minimized not correct
*Fixed; Minor Bug fix in trim function.
*Improved performance on lower spec hardware when in stand-alone mode.
*Added; VU meter refresh rate switch option (use lower refresh rate on lower spec CPU’s)
*Fixed; Minor bug on Music player menu (Item incorrect)
*Disabled; “Hide DJ App” button when in Stand-Alone mode
*Fixed; Minor Bug fixes in trim function.
*Added; Added Artist and track name Trim Function
*Fixed; Minor Bug fixes (Background Music Player)
*Added; Background music case and player
*Fixed; Minor bug fixes (new Audio Engine)
*Added; Audio Engine for stand alone mode
*Added; Start-up mode selection
*Added; New ZIP Engine.
*Added; configurable menu colors.
*Improved; case loading speed, Case now loading in background, case can now be changed while still loading, also option added to hide or show case list when loading case, Hiding the case increases the loading speed.
*New; trackbar and vu meter added.
*Added; “Are You Sure You Want To Stop The Current Song” warning when song playing and option to disable warning.
*Added; Review history button, to allow the user to review previous histories and load previously sung songs into the rotation list without overwriting current history.
*Added; Drag ‘n’ Drop loading and Rotation re-ordering.
*Removed; Add Track To Rotation and Move Track Options from menus as now redundant due to Drag & Drop being added.
*Fixed; issue changing key from menus.
*Fixed; reset key when loading audio.
*Added; Edit Singer option to the rotation list.
*Added; ‘Load Audio only tracks only into any player’ commands.
*Added; Audio only tracks now show Yellow in singer rotation.
Build # 0.5.3510.33875 Aug 12th 2009
*Fixed 32,767 Songs per case bug
*Added option to run Karaoki as a high priority application
*Added option to extract tags from only unzipped files
[dotted_divider]Build # 0.5.3506.21322 Aug 4th 2009
*New Uniloc Security.
*Now compatible with Vista 64 bit OS
*Added Pause on load next singer.
*Added Show CDG graphics when paused.
*Added Comms sync timeout timer and missing Comms frame insert.
*Added singer history cache.
*Improved Autoplay when using Red Mobile
*Added ‘Limit Singers shown on screen’.
*Added Singer-Song and key History.
*Fixed Minimized on Exit bug.
*Added new naming convention to list.
*Added Backspace now clears search field.
[dotted_divider]Build # 0.5.3462 June 25 2009
*Fixed Activation Bug
Build # 0.5.3454a June 23 2009
*Added new nameing convention to list.
*Added Backspace now clears search field.
*Fixed case not always saved after scan using Nameing convention.
*Improved Zip file support, Fixed bug when zip contents name doesnít match the zip name.
*Added user configurable Key / Tempo control.