SongBookDB Remote Song Request System
(30 Day Free Trial – $19-A-Month, or $15-A-Month If Paid Annually)

SongBookDB is a web-based subscription platform that enables remote song requests from a singers phone (or any internet enabled device).  Singers can view and search your song book online from their phone, choose the song version they want to sing and set any key changes — which are then sent via the web directly to the SongBookDB Karaoki Plug-In.

SongBookDB is already popular among KJs that wanted to ditch their printed song books in favor of an all-digital solution.    No more printing out hundreds of pages every time you update your karaoke music library, simply export your song list from Karaoki and upload to SongBookDB and it’s ready to go.   Requests are sent via the internet directly to the PCDJ SongbookDB Plugin, and with one click can be sent to the singer rotation list – or use ‘auto-accept’ for complete automation.  Many other bonus features are included with SongBookDB, including the ability to “buzz” your singer when they’re up to sing!