
Karaoke Software | Download LYRX v1.6 (v2) Maintenance Release

LYRX karaoke software update

A new maintenance release for LYRX 1.6 is available for download.

Last week, we introduced the new 1.6 version LYRX with official macOS Catalina support. With the help of our truly awesome customers, we were able to pinpoint a few nagging bugs that we’ve now taken the proverbial boot to. Thanks for your help in making LYRX our most popular karaoke software title — all in less than two years time since it was first announced!

Download this free LYRX update below and install with your existing version closed to update now. If you’re new to LYRX, you can also download from the link below and run as a fully-functional free trial.

New, Changed, and Fixed in LYRX v1.6 (v2)

  • Fixed full-screen issues on Windows
  • No longer starting in full-screen mode on Mac (compatibility issues)
  • Added automatic crash reporting (which will help us resolve issues rapidly)
  • Other small performance improvements

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you receive this warning “lyrx-v1.6-installer_mac.pkg can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. this software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information” when installing to macOS Catalina please follow the steps on Apple’s website to install LYRX.


Have questions about the latest 1.6 version of our LYRX karaoke software?  Please leave them in the comments section below!