Join the Official PCDJ User Group on Facebook
Are you in?
A year or so ago we created the “Official PCDJ User Group” on Facebook. A private group for PCDJ software owners where they can share ideas, tips and tricks, and get early insider information on new products and features. While we haven’t promoted it yet (thus this post!) we’re about to hit 1000 users.
While it’s always nice to rub virtual elbows with other PCDJ DJ software and karaoke software users, who doesn’t like getting early access to new software releases and features? For example, right now we’re allowing anyone in the Official PCDJ User Group to test our upcoming (and some may say, long overdue!) singer/song remote request web-app for DEX 3 and LYRX. First you’re hearing about the app? Exactly – you need to Join the Group!
Waaaay back in 1999/2000 PCDJ had one of the most active forums on the innerweb. DJ software was new to the industry and many DJs were using computers for the very first time, in any capacity. The forum was instrumental in helping the average noob, which we all pretty much were at the time, get hatted up on all things PCDJ and how to build and run a digital DJ rig. Fast forward to 2021 and we’re feeling that same energy once again ala the Official PCDJ User Group.
I’ll ask you once again — are you in?