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Head Into The Cloud With PCDJ Karaoki

Karaoke software with the world’s first and only legal karaoke subscription built in – yeah, we got that.

6 months of development work and hundreds of hours of testing and we're finally there.  Introducing PCDJ Karaoki with Karaoke Cloud Pro integration.  It’s 100% legal and finally here for Pro KJ’s.   

6 months ago we partnered up with Digitrax Entertainment with the unified goal to offer customers a karaoke software and subscription platform they can trust.   If you're not familiar with the karaoke space already, you may not know the following; Over 300 karaoke content lawsuits targeting KJ's and karaoke venues have been filled across the nation recently due to misuse and/or illegal karaoke music activity.  To date, more than 1.5 million in settlements have been paid to manufacturers – and many of venues and KJ's simply didn't know they were breaking the "rules". 

The piracy issue is important, for a lot of reasons. Piracy has driven down the value of a show night. Many venue owners just assume you stole your library and have zero investment in your music, and if you price your library anywhere close to what it’s worth, there’s a pirate in your town with zero investment that the venue owner can hire for less. Honest KJ’s can no longer earn a living wage on their shows. Infringement suits from music publishers have driven US karaoke manufacturers into bankruptcy or reduced them to shadows of their former selves.  Almost ZERO manufactures of karaoke mp3+G music in the US are producing new tunes…something had to give…

We hope the Karaoke Cloud Pro subscription can help change that.  If KJ's are subscribing, and the manufacturers start seeing revenue again they can start producing new tunes.  I know Digitrax specifically plans to release into the Karaoke Cloud Pro platform at least 5-10 new karaoke mp3+G songs per month.   (Digitrax's studios were formally operated by Chartbuster Karaoke; one of the long-time manufactures of some of the highest quality karaoke songs you'll find)   

Here are some other notable features and descriptions of how the Karaoke Cloud Pro subscription works directly inside of our flagship karaoke software, PCDJ Karaoki:

  • You are NOT streaming tracks.  PCDJ Karaoki allows you to download or "retrieve" all available Karaoke Cloud Pro songs available.  Right now there are close to 9000 tracks, with the karaoke library growing all the time.
  • The files act just like your karaoke MP3+G files you already use – without any limitations within the software
  • You only have to connect your karaoke computer running PCDJ Karaoki with the Karaoke Cloud Pro once a month at the end of the billing cycle to verify subscription.  However, you may want to connect more often and use the "update case now" feature to display and retrieve the latest available additional karaoke songs in the cloud.
  • If you subscribe to a 12 month contract you pay only $99 a month, no matter how many karaoke tunes are added to the Karaoke Cloud Pro platform (Digitrax suggests we could see close to 30,000 songs within 12 months time)
  • If you go to a month to month, renting the songs per month, you pay $199
  • We give you $300 in gift cards for the Karaoke Cloud consumer site you can either give away or sell to your patrons under the 12 month agreement
  • If  you don't own PCDJ Karaoki, if you sign up for our $297 package deal you pay for the first and last months of a 12 months subscription, PCDJ Karaoki and we'll send you $500 in gift cards to sell or give away
  • You can use the subscription on up to three different karaoke show machines, but can only use the Karaoke Cloud Pro subscription live on one at a time.  
  • We are offering a discount for multiple Karaoke Cloud Pro karaoke subscriptions for multi-system operators

I hope that helps to explain how things work with our in-app karaoke subscription.  We're all really excited about our launch, and the early returns have been excellent.   I particularly love this quote from one of our earliest adopters on our PCDJ Facebook fan page:

"I signed up for this service yesterday, just hours before my show and can't believe how quickly it was setup and ready to go. It was easy to use during the evening and saved me from having to purchase tracks that I'd probably only use once or just for one singer. So far, I love it!! – KJ Elizabeth Espinoza" 

So head into the cloud.  You'll get the highest quality karaoke tunes on the planet, support the karaoke industry and know that you're 100% legal doing so.