DEX 3 Pro Tip | Generating a User List from Singer History (Video)
One of the latest karaoke features included in DEX (and up) is the ability to access singer/song history so you can add the singer and the songs they wish to sing back to rotation quickly.
A few customers using DEX 3 to host karaoke events professionally have inquired on how they can move all of a singers songs to a permanent user list (playlist) so they can more easily access their song list — without having to search history (using the “S:” search method).
The inquiring customers also asked that the user list store the singers name and any key changes that were applied in a previous session. While these aren’t technically documented features, they’re not only possible, they’re easy to use.
In the DEX 3 quick tip tutorial video above I demonstrate how you can access singer history, select all songs from the singers history, and swiftly move them all to a permanent user list that can be directly accessed during a future karaoke night.
If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below! Also, be sure to check out these other ideal settings for using DEX 3 to host karaoke.