5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of DJ DEX – The iPad DJ Mixing App
The much anticipated V2 of DJ DEX is now available in the App Store -- and we've got a few tips to ensure you get the most out of the professional DJ app for iPad.
5 Tips for Getting the Most out of DJ DEX
Use a Supported DJ controller

iPad DJ App | DJ DEX Update Now Available in App Store
A new update for DJ DEX, the iPad DJ app, is available in the App Store.
The recently released and totally redesigned DJ DEX app for iPad has just received an update that includes multi-touch support for all features. This means you…

DJ Mixing Software Review – DJ DEX Mixing App For Your iPad
DJ DEX - The DJ Mixing App, is a full-featured DJ mixing software application for the iPad. PCDJ has designed and innovated highly-competitive DJ mixing software solutions for the last 14 years, so it was a natural…