What Every DJ Should Never Leave the House Without
It’s the night of a really important gig...
Your suit or outfit looks great, your DJ equipment is in the car, and your music is ready to go in DEX 3. But what else should you throw into your DJ bag before heading out?
Our friends…

10 Things Only DJs Understand
DJ culture is nuanced and unique. What we deal with on the usual -- the experiences we have, the situations we often find ourselves in, and the requests we hear -- are as well.
Often we form a tight bond with our fellow DJs other over those…

‘DJ Survival Kit’ (Infographic)
Article Submitted by our friends at USB Flash Drive.
The stage manager gives you “the nod” and you know, it’s on. As you step out onto the platform, you try to steady your hands as the collective adrenaline of the crowd starts your…

DJ Turns NYC Subway Car Into A Mobile Dance Party
"Today, we Dance!"
At times DJing becomes more "work" than what many DJ's got into it for in the first place: Fun and connecting with an audience. For many DJs it's spiritual -- music uplifts!
AMK Productions set out to uplift commuters…

6 Powerful Daily Habits Of Successful Disc Jockeys (Video)
DigitalDJTips.com recently published an insightful article and accompanying video titled "The 6 Powerful Daily Habits Of Successful DJs" -- which we felt was a great share for our PCDJ community. You have the DJ software, you've got that…

“A Real DJ Knows What Is Next”
Renowned DJ blog site DigitalDJTips.com posted an article today "The Single Skill You Truly Need To Be A Real DJ" -- A great read for new DJs and seasoned pro's alike.
It puts things squarely in perspective; while DJ software technology…

Freestyle DJ with DJ Cyn | Mobile Music with Jason Jones on #DJNTV
Another great interview video from the guys at Disc Jockey News and their Mobile Music segment with Jason Jones.
Forget the set list! DJ Cyn of DJ Cyn Productions (Denver Colorado) tours some and mostly DJs clubs and bars. She considers…

Building Your DJ Social Profile Part 1: Facebook And Twitter
Social Media has essentially replaced email and even websites for many DJs. Millions of people (and potential clients) engage on Facebook multiple times daily, while checking email once or less.
As a DJ, building your social profile and promoting…

The Polarizing Topic of DJ Software “SYNC”
DJing is art to many. The seamless blending of two tracks, on beat and harmonically, while layering in effects, scratching, loops and triggered samples to create an experience that’s transcendent for the audience.