EXPIRES 12/31/16 – A $39 VALUE

JammText (Window/MAC) is social, fun and interactive software that allows your audience to send text messages and images to screen. Use JammText for a social media wall or to run advertisements additionally, with loads of customization.

Best of all, JammText works right alongside of DEX 3 (audio, music video and karaoke mixing software), DEX 3 RE (audio mixing software) and/or Karaoki (karaoke show hosting software) so you can perform with precision while your audience interacts with the screen/s.

JammText adds a punch to any event and users of the subscription-based platform book more weddings, corporate and club gigs. It provides a unique social experience that can help you stand out from the crowd and land more referrals.

When you purchase DEX 3, DEX 3 RE or Karaoki before the end of the year (2016) we will provide you with a 60 day JammText subscription on us – a $39 value. We trust you’ll love the platform so much you’ll continue to subscribe after you free 60 days of service – but even if you choose not to, JammText will help you close out of 2016 with a bang!


*Immediately after your PCDJ purchase you will receive an email notitication directly from JammText to complete your registration for your free 60 days of JammText subscription service 

JammText helps you build your business

Although JammText is not exclusively a DJ software product, there are some key ways that JammText helps DJs build their business. Here’s how JammText can help you.

Build a following

JammText Audience Interaction

JammText compiles contact info of everyone who sends a message. Thank them for coming and let them know of upcoming events. Run ads as part of your JammText montage and promote upcoming events and your brand.

Book more weddings

JammText At WeddingsOffer the bride and groom JammText in your package. Show pictures all night long, not just in a brief slideshow. As guests post on social media, their pictures are automatically shared on screen. Export all pictures to give the couple instant gratification at the end of their special day.

Connect with the audience

Connect With The Audience Using JammText

Take song requests by text. Reply back to let them know you’re listening. Patrons love knowing the DJ is personally messaging them. JammText gives you another way to read the crowd and keep the party going.

Texting bigger than social media

social media with JammText

Our customers get up to 10 times as many text messages as social media. Don’t miss out by using social media wall software that doesn’t do SMS/MMS. Use JammText to get both texting and social media!

Transition to video DJing

Show JammText When not mixing videos

Mixing videos with DEX 3 and don’t have a video for every song? No problem. JammText’s proprietary video detection automatically switches between full screen and banner overlay so your screen always looks professional.

Jammtext interactive software
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